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Project maintainers need to create releases when a new version of Hours is released. This document outlines the versioning scheme and release process.


The Hours CLI is versioned following the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification. Version numbers include the v prefix. The leading 0 is included for pre 1.0 releases.

  • Bad: 0.1.0
  • Bad: v.1.0
  • Good: v0.1.0

Release Process

  1. Update the changelog. The changelog should be updated when changes are merged into master. It’s still a good idea to review the commits with git log and verify that all changes are documented.

Afterwards change the ## Unreleased header to the release number (i.e. ## v0.1.0) and commit the change. For example:

$ sed -i '' 's/Unreleased/v0.1.0/'
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Pre-release changelog'
$ git push
  1. Create a git tag. Use an annotated tag with a simple commit message that states what the release is, i.e. ‘v0.1.0 release’. For example:
$ git tag -a -m 'v0.1.0 release' v0.1.0

Verify you are on master before tagging!. New releases should only ever be tagged from the master branch.

Verify the tag was created with git tag -l.

After the tag is created push it to github: git push origin <tagname>, i.e. git push origin v0.1.0.

Release Assets

The hours CLI is distributed as a Phar attached to the Github release. You do not need to create this manually. When a tag is pushed to Github the CI server will automatically build the phar and attach it to the release.